・List of first-author papers, Google Scholar
[5] H.Washinoue, S.Takasao & K.Furuya (2024)
"Effect of time-varying X-ray emission from stellar flares on the ionization of protoplanetary disks",
[4] H.Washinoue & T.K.,Suzuki (2023)
"Coronal Loops with Different Metallicities and the Generalized RTV Scaling Laws", The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 953, Issue 1, id.74 ADS arXiv
[3] H.Washinoue, M.Shoda & T.K.,Suzuki (2022)
"The Effect of the Chromospheric Temperature on Coronal Heating", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 938, Issue 2,
id.126 ADS arXiv
[2] H.Washinoue & T.K.,Suzuki (2021)
"Coronal properties of low-mass Population III stars and the radiative feedback in the early universe",
Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 506, Issue 1, pp.1284-1294 ADS arXiv
[1] H.Washinoue & T.K.,Suzuki (2019)
"Coronae of Zero/Low-metal, Low-mass Stars", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 885, Issue 2, id.164 ADS arXiv
Other articles
[1] 鷲ノ上 遥香、"磁気流体数値実験で探る恒星コロナ加熱"、天文月報117巻7号 (2024)